Park Hill Water Works: 2020-09-14

These are from our butterfly garden. Milkweed with caterpillar.


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Baptist Rehabilitation: 2020-09-05

BRI Non-HT Day 1

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Pinnacle Mountain: 2020-08-27

Several Pinnacle MGs worked today before the heavy rains and winds came to the area.  Please enjoy the pictures taken this morning.

Thank you,
Christy, PCMG – Chair Pinnacle Mt. State Park

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Maumelle Community Center: 2020-08-24

Maumelle Master Gardeners working on our Maumelle Community Center project, Monday August 24, 2020.  Our members worked early to beat the heat, pulling weeds and dead heading.

A few of the pictures have our local butterflies enjoying the flowers.

All rules were followed concerning Covid-19.

Happy Gardening!!

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Curran Hall: 2020-08-24

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Old Mill: 2020-08-14

Here are some pictures of our workday Wednesday at the Old Mill. 

Because we have such a large park, it is easy to practice social distancing, plus NLR Parks lets us in the park before it opens to the public at 10:00. 

Everything is green and lush and we are working hard to keep ahead of the weeds! 

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Maumelle Community Center: 2020-08-10

Maumelle Master Gardeners working on our Maumelle Community Center project, Monday August 10, 2020.  Our members worked today pulling weeds, deadheading and giving our plants a good watering. Our butterfly garden needed extra help to remove the bind weed that was trying to take over.

All rules were followed concerning Covid-19.

Happy Gardening!!

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Governor’s Mansion Vegetable Garden: 2020-08-10

Late summer is a time for harvesting tomatoes, okra, field peas, squash and peppers. 

This month we also cut back the dead blackberry canes and pulled out spent squash and pea vines in preparation for a fall planting.  And we watered and weeded. 

We were also happy to see that the rabbits have backed off from devastating the sweet potato plants and the vines are growing again. 

We are following the COVID-19 CDC guidelines as we work in the garden.

Sandy, PCMG

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Demo Garden – Garden at the Vines: 2020-08-03

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Pinnacle Mountain: 2020-07-23

Pictures taken Thursday, July 23 at Pinnacle.

PCMG – Chair Pinnacle Mt. State Park

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