Jacksonville City Hall: 2020-06-27

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Pinnacle Mountain: 2020-06-25

These are some pictures taken at the June 25 Pinnacle workday.  The first picture is of the temporary water bottle the Pinnacle Park staff is loaning us until the irrigation is fixed in the meadow area.  We see some hand watering in our future!   

PCMG – Chair Pinnacle Mt. State Park

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State Extension Office: 2020-06-29

Pictures of Pulaski County Extension Service project.
Agnes, PCMG Chair of Pulaski County Extension Service project

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Argenta: 2020-06-25

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Scholar’s Garden: 2020-06-24

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Old State House: 2020-06-16

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Argenta: 2020-06-17

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Governor’s Mansion Vegetable Garden: 2020-06-16

June has been a transitional month at the Governor’s Mansion. 

  • Plans discussed with mansion staff. 
  • Planted field peas.
  • Early peas out and sweet potatoes in.
  • Harvested brussel sprout leaves for saute before taking the plants out, as well as beets and squash. 
  • Watered new plants.
  • And weeded, weeded, weeded. 

All with social distancing in mind due to COVID-19.

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Sherwood Senior Center: 2020-06-16

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Curran Hall: 2020-06-15

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