Contemplation Garden: 2020-06-15

Here are a few photos from the MG Contemplation Garden group.   

Thank you
Terri, PCMG

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Pinnacle Mountain: 2020-06-11

Pinnacle beds are in bloom!  

There is plenty to see and experience for those in need of an outdoor break.  One of the pictures shows how much the deer LOVE our Orange Coneflowers – just one of our learning experiences and how we resolve this area of the Pinnacle Meadow. 

For those that venture out to Pinnacle – remember to have a face mask available.  The Visitor’s Center cannot allow anyone inside the building without a mask.  

Thank you!
Christy PCMG – Chair Pinnacle Mt. State Park

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State Hospital: 2020-06-10

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Maumelle Community Center: 2020-05-26

Weeding, deadheading and trimming espalier were performed following the CDC Covid19 guidelines for safety.

With the latest rains everything has grown.

Janet Poole

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Old Mill: 2020-05-22

Old Mill Update:

Although the Old Mill park remains closed, the NLR Parks Dept. has been kind enough to let some of the Old Mill MGs in to do some work on the beds and plants on a few occasions during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Some of us were able to work this past Wednesday, with proper precautions per the CDC guidelines (social distancing is not a problem because the park is so large!).  We still have some azaleas blooming, along with oak-leaf hydrangeas, various lilies, drift and knock-out roses, coreopsis, butterfly bush, abelia, dianthus, wild geranium, various irises, and sweetspire.  Pictures are attached of our hard-working members and our beautiful project.  I hope everyone can come by once the park reopens.

Valerie, PCMG Old Mill Chair

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Pinnacle Mt. State Park: 2020-05-15

We are working with social distancing and limited numbers to follow the COVID-19 recommendations.  
For those that want to get out in nature – the Meadow area in the parking lot at the Pinnacle Visitor’s Center and beds around the Visitor’s Center are great destinations!
Thank you!
Christy, PCMG
Chair, Pinnacle Mt. State Park

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Witt Stephens Jr CANC: 2020-05-13

With all native perennial plants, what is blooming changes by the month. 
We had a work day with nine people May 13.  We were still so far behind on weeding and thinning, that we’ll have another workday in two weeks. 
Our project is very spread out, so social distancing following the CDC COVID-19 guidelines is not a problem.

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Maumelle Community Center: 2020-05-11

These pictures are from our Monday work day.  Still heeding the recomendations for  the COVID-19 virus.   
Janet, PCMG

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Cammack U of A Systems: 2020-05-12

Cammack volunteers, keeping distance per the COVID-19 rules, wearing masks, and doing a great job on planting our Ozark and cardinal strawberries, erecting an arbor for the Bobbits, fertilizing muscadine, blueberries, blackberries. Plus the Easter bunny paid us a visit!


Laura, Chairman

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Park Hill Water Works: 2020-05-12

We are social distancing as the COVID-19 regulations continue.

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